They were just about to go visit Monkey Island when a man came running towards them.
"Missy! Missy! You have to come." He beckoned Patty. "You need to see the baby."
"What baby?" Patty asked.
"Well…" the man hesitated, "it's a human baby…But, it's not correct. The baby is not correct."
So Patty and the humanitarian expedition team followed the man into his village. As Patty stepped into the circle of houses a woman came forward carrying a small bundle. Wrapped in several yards of African fabric was a tiny newborn baby girl. The baby had a beautiful complexion and thick, curly hair, but also had a double cleft palate.
By now nearly the entire village had gathered around the white woman holding the unusual baby. People chattered and nodded their heads in agreement as the man explained his fears for his firstborn daughter. Not only was he afraid his daughter had been born with a curse, but the baby was having trouble eating. Patty could see that the child, at only two days old, was already dehydrated.
"What is her name?" Patty asked.
"And she will be a blessing to this village." Then, with the baby girl's family standing by, along with almost the whole village, Patty explained to the village that the little girl had simply been born with a birth defect, and was not witched (cursed) at all. That though she looked different, she was still a beautiful human being created by God to be a blessing to her family and the entire village.
Patty admitted the baby at the ELWA hospital. She introduced the mother to the doctor and then helped them get settled in. Patty, who has a lot of experience with special needs babies, was able to train the mother a bit on how to breastfeed the baby. The baby was diagnosed with dehydration but she was now in good hands. The nurses and doctor began teaching the mother how to breastfeed an infant with a double cleft palate.
Blessing was hospitalized for four days. Over the course of the four days the baby's mother really began to bond to her little blessing. When baby and mom went home, mom had learned a lot about caring for her special little one. Additionally, after three months little Blessing would be old enough for corrective surgery.
The little family learned a lot from Patty and the hospital. Patty was able to visit the baby fairly often, but nevertheless, after about 2 weeks she received an urgent call. Blessing was not doing well. The family again said they wanted Patty to take the baby.
As Patty drove to the village to check on the baby, she knew the little girl was probably in poor condition and would likely need to be placed in foster care. She called the Laird family, who are SIM missionaries in Liberia, who graciously agreed to foster Blessing, should the need arise.
At the village Patty was shocked to see how much weight the baby had lost. The family had had a long talk with the heads of the village and everyone was agreed that Patty should take the baby. They knew that the child was not doing well in the village. They also knew the little girl would be safe with Patty, since she had shown so much love for the little girl, and placed value on a child they all thought was witched.
-Melodie (AOH Volunteer)